

The first ETN company was founded in 1984.

Today the ETN Engineering Service GmbH offer services and products for MROs and OEMs that include:

●  The design of tooling and fixtures
●  The manufacturing of tooling and fixtures
●  Re-engineering of equipment according customer requirements
●  Turn-key production tooling and fixtures – new engine parts and engine parts repair incl. MoM
    (methods of manufacturing) and OP Plan (operation process)
●  Design and manufacturing of transportation equipment (e.g. module containers)
●  Repair and refurbishment of tooling, fixtures and transportation equipment

ETN’s know-how, expertise, performance and highest quality standards have led to successful cooperation,

partnerships and strategic alliances with leading OEMs and MROs worldwide.

ETN Engineering Service GmbH headquartered in Osterholz-Scharmbeck near Bremen, Germany.

ETN Engineering Service GmbH employees have years of experience and expertise in the design and manufacturing of precise aircraft and engine fixtures, tooling and transport equipment for OEM and MRO. 

We are familiar with the most advanced manufacturing processes and technologies. Our customers benefit 
from our cooperation and partnerships with some of the leading universities and institutes. 

Quality, customer satisfaction, project management and on-time delivery have the highest priority within 
the company. Accurate and detailed planning is the basis for the realization of these priorities. 

A careful selection of industrial partners for subcontracted processes contributes to efficiency, an 
optimized cost position and short lead times. 

A cooperation with some suppliers and manufactures give us the ability to offer competitive pricing and 
lead times. These special partnerships were founded 20 years ago. 

The delivery of tooling, fixtures and transportation equipment of any size and dimension is possible. 

Final assembly, testing and certification are always performed in-house in order to guarantee ETN 
Engineering Service´s high standards of quality.

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